Zinetula Bilyaletdinov: We will engage young talent, but it’s not an end in itself
New head coach of the Russian national team Zinetula Bilyaletdinov has spoken about his plans on future development of the team.
«Of course, the national team’s system will also have scouts for North American leagues. The work with the national team differs a lot from the work at a club, but you just have to organize it in right way. It implies not only interaction with the Russian hockey players and coaches, but also with the foreign ones.
«As for the experiments – we will not go off at halfcock, instead we will analyze all the aspects of our job. We will definitely engage young talent, but it will not be an end in itself. However, if we don’t involve youth on various stages of tournaments we will not have future. We will also hold summer meetings with the players acting in the NHL», stated Bilyaletdinov to the official site of the Russian Hockey Federation.
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