Владимир Тарасенко: «Вратари – последние люди, к которым можно предъявлять претензии. Слышать свист просто стыдно»

Нападающий «Сент-Луиса» Владимир Тарасенко встал на защиту голкипера Джейка Аллена, которого в матче с «Виннипегом» (0:4) освистали болельщики.

«Я устал говорить одно и то же каждый день. Все понимают нашу ситуацию.

Но вот что я могу сказать вам и болельщикам: вратари – это последние люди, к которым можно предъявлять претензии. Слышать это (свист) просто стыдно. Многие из них никогда не играли в хоккей, но они свистят, когда Джейк делает сэйв. Но если бы не вратари, сейчас наша ситуация была бы намного хуже.

Вините нас, вините всех вокруг, но не трогайте вратарей», – заявил Тарасенко.

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Очень сильно сказано! Как настоящий лидер команды! Респект ВладиНатору! С 0 голами матч не выиграешь, Володя абсолютно прав вратарь здесь не при чем. Да и своего же вратаря освистывать только хуже делают! Надеемся блюзмены исправят ситуацию!
На самом деле, освистывать вару, когда у команды в графе ’заброшенные шайбы" - зеро, как минимум идиотизм. В ПО в прошлом году, они тоже свистели Аллену, когда приносил победы над "хищниками", отражая по 50+ бросков?)

Не фанат "музыкантов", но чет припекло. А вообще, да, лучше полевым вопросы позадавать. Вова совершенно прав, вопросов к нему пока побольше, чем к Аллену.
Ответ Конифеев
Это было на платном сайте The athletic - он отвечал на вопрос юзера. я даже подписался ради этого, т.к. увидел наброс в интернете. Переводить мне сегодня недосуг, так что просто копирую весь сей занимательный текст оттуда: Hey JR, There’s no beating around the bush — the Predator loss was brutal. That game glorified every strength the Blues have and magnified every weakness as well. And in my opinion, the weaknesses outshined the strengths. This very frustrated fan of 30 years has all but turned the page on this season as the Blues have not shown they have the capability to play against the likes of a team with Moxi like the Predators, Lightning or even the Pens. My sentiment is at this point I’d rather see them miss the playoffs this year, have a gut check over the summer and come back embarrassed and on a mission next year. I think it’d be the best thing for the team honestly because they need something to change the culture in that locker room and missing the playoffs with talent like they have may do it. It’s clear whatever message Mike Yeo is suggesting or leadership tactics being used by the vets isn’t working. Do you think missing the playoffs is what this team needs to ’wake up’? -Gary JR: In order to answer this question, I need to break it down into two parts and keep it as real as possible. 1) Would missing the playoffs wake up the Blues? 2) If the Blues missed the playoffs, would Doug Armstrong make the necessary moves to change the culture? But before I answer No. 1, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. When someone asks me whether missing the playoffs would “wake up” the Blues, give them a “gut check” and put them “on a mission,” I take that to mean you’re asking about the players. You might be referring to the organization from top to bottom, but I prefer to focus my answer from a players’ perspective. And my answer is “no,” it would not wake up them any more than losing in the second round woke them up last season. Would they be disappointed? Certainly. Would they tell media and fans that it’s unacceptable? More times than you want to hear. But would they do any more self-examination than they did any other year or talk more amongst themselves about why they’re so inconsistent? No and no. Some of you might be asking why nothing would change. I’m not saying nothing would change. I’m just saying I don’t believe the Blues missing the playoffs by three points is going to put a more determined, ticked off team on the ice next season. Call me fatigued on the end-of-the-season post-mortem interviews. Every May, I see a despondent group of players and every October-April I see the same group making the same mistakes and excuses. Now No. 2, what could be a benefit of missing the playoffs: changing the culture. Whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, I think they have to address this issue. Listen, the Blues obviously have talented players and they have good people in their locker room. But I think they have a roster that has too many players who just brush everything off. Nothing is ever a major deal in their eyes. Yeah, they might get mad at times, but there’s always another game tomorrow, there’s always a chance to fix things. I understand that. It’s a long season and you’re not going to play well every night. You lose a game, you regroup and play better next time. But I believe, if they had more players who got pissed off in the moment, like let’s turn this game around now, let’s not wait for the next game, they’d have a better record. I think that part of the reason we don’t see this is because they don’t pull together like they should. I’m not saying these guys don’t like playing together, but they don’t pull together. This is the part of my answer where I’ll try to keep it as real as possible. I think some players resent that Vladimir Tarasenko doesn’t work as hard as he should. I think some players who think that about Tarasenko aren’t working as hard as they should be. I don’t think the leaders are doing a good enough job of taking the different personalities in the locker room and making everybody feel like one. Is Dmitrij Jaskin a bit of a loner? Yeah. Have the Blues tried to make him feel like them? Maybe more than I know. But has it been enough? No. Not just with Jaskin, but others, too, whether it’s been this year or in the past. That translates on the ice. Guys are just playing hockey, many of them not playing FOR EACH OTHER. And I haven’t even mentioned the guys who are just playing for the paycheck or the lifestyle, which in this case I’m not going to name names, but they know who they are. I truly believe that whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, Armstrong is going to have to address the attitude of this team. If I know it’s a problem, he has to know. It will be hard to change the culture — it’s hard to move contracts in the NHL — but I believe it’s necessary. I don’t believe the team’s problems can be found in analyzing a bad goal, a bad loss or a bad homestand. I believe they’re tied to the fact that it’s a group of players who are passing the puck to each other because they we
Последний абзац урезался...вот полностью:

I truly believe that whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, Armstrong is going to have to address the attitude of this team. If I know it’s a problem, he has to know. It will be hard to change the culture — it’s hard to move contracts in the NHL — but I believe it’s necessary. I don’t believe the team’s problems can be found in analyzing a bad goal, a bad loss or a bad homestand. I believe they’re tied to the fact that it’s a group of players who are passing the puck to each other because they were either drafted or signed contracts to play for the Blues and they happen to be wearing the same crest on their sweater — not because they’re going to go to the front of the net, take a slash to the leg, absorb the pain and score a goal, because that’s what you do for your teammates and your coach and your fans. When you can show me that that’s how much these guys care, then I’ll show you a team that doesn’t poop its pants on the ice and then repeat the same B.S. to reporters game after game after game. Does that answer your question?
Ответ Frjestad_Fan
а дай ссылку пожалуйста. интересно почитать
Это было на платном сайте The athletic - он отвечал на вопрос юзера. я даже подписался ради этого, т.к. увидел наброс в интернете. Переводить мне сегодня недосуг, так что просто копирую весь сей занимательный текст оттуда:

Hey JR,

There’s no beating around the bush — the Predator loss was brutal. That game glorified every strength the Blues have and magnified every weakness as well. And in my opinion, the weaknesses outshined the strengths. This very frustrated fan of 30 years has all but turned the page on this season as the Blues have not shown they have the capability to play against the likes of a team with Moxi like the Predators, Lightning or even the Pens.

My sentiment is at this point I’d rather see them miss the playoffs this year, have a gut check over the summer and come back embarrassed and on a mission next year. I think it’d be the best thing for the team honestly because they need something to change the culture in that locker room and missing the playoffs with talent like they have may do it. It’s clear whatever message Mike Yeo is suggesting or leadership tactics being used by the vets isn’t working. Do you think missing the playoffs is what this team needs to ’wake up’?


JR: In order to answer this question, I need to break it down into two parts and keep it as real as possible.

1) Would missing the playoffs wake up the Blues?

2) If the Blues missed the playoffs, would Doug Armstrong make the necessary moves to change the culture?

But before I answer No. 1, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. When someone asks me whether missing the playoffs would “wake up” the Blues, give them a “gut check” and put them “on a mission,” I take that to mean you’re asking about the players. You might be referring to the organization from top to bottom, but I prefer to focus my answer from a players’ perspective. And my answer is “no,” it would not wake up them any more than losing in the second round woke them up last season. Would they be disappointed? Certainly. Would they tell media and fans that it’s unacceptable? More times than you want to hear. But would they do any more self-examination than they did any other year or talk more amongst themselves about why they’re so inconsistent? No and no. Some of you might be asking why nothing would change. I’m not saying nothing would change. I’m just saying I don’t believe the Blues missing the playoffs by three points is going to put a more determined, ticked off team on the ice next season. Call me fatigued on the end-of-the-season post-mortem interviews. Every May, I see a despondent group of players and every October-April I see the same group making the same mistakes and excuses.

Now No. 2, what could be a benefit of missing the playoffs: changing the culture. Whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, I think they have to address this issue. Listen, the Blues obviously have talented players and they have good people in their locker room. But I think they have a roster that has too many players who just brush everything off. Nothing is ever a major deal in their eyes. Yeah, they might get mad at times, but there’s always another game tomorrow, there’s always a chance to fix things. I understand that. It’s a long season and you’re not going to play well every night. You lose a game, you regroup and play better next time. But I believe, if they had more players who got pissed off in the moment, like let’s turn this game around now, let’s not wait for the next game, they’d have a better record. I think that part of the reason we don’t see this is because they don’t pull together like they should. I’m not saying these guys don’t like playing together, but they don’t pull together.

This is the part of my answer where I’ll try to keep it as real as possible. I think some players resent that Vladimir Tarasenko doesn’t work as hard as he should. I think some players who think that about Tarasenko aren’t working as hard as they should be. I don’t think the leaders are doing a good enough job of taking the different personalities in the locker room and making everybody feel like one. Is Dmitrij Jaskin a bit of a loner? Yeah. Have the Blues tried to make him feel like them? Maybe more than I know. But has it been enough? No. Not just with Jaskin, but others, too, whether it’s been this year or in the past. That translates on the ice. Guys are just playing hockey, many of them not playing FOR EACH OTHER. And I haven’t even mentioned the guys who are just playing for the paycheck or the lifestyle, which in this case I’m not going to name names, but they know who they are.

I truly believe that whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, Armstrong is going to have to address the attitude of this team. If I know it’s a problem, he has to know. It will be hard to change the culture — it’s hard to move contracts in the NHL — but I believe it’s necessary. I don’t believe the team’s problems can be found in analyzing a bad goal, a bad loss or a bad homestand. I believe they’re tied to the fact that it’s a group of players who are passing the puck to each other because they we
Ответ Конифеев
Тут все просто, Вован - играйте лучше, забивайте, и не пропускайте косячных голов - тогда и свистеть не будут. Болел не обманешь. А то ХЗ что у вас там внутри сейчас творится - уже даже всегда политкорректный Рутерфорд открытым текстом сказал, что многие игроки недовольны и самим Вованом, считая, что тот не особенно выкладывается. Кстати, Картерка так не освистывают (пока).           
а дай ссылку пожалуйста. интересно почитать
Ответ JohnTavares_II
И мне. Тоже интересно
Скинул оригинал ниже.
Ответ Конифеев
Да, спасибо, я тоже пью :) С победой! Гимн они спели-таки.
Да, но слов не слышал. Мне калифорнийские друзья за несколько секунд до того, как это случилось на экране, написали про гол - один из Калифорнии, другой из Минска. Но я всё равно рад очень. С победой, брат!
Ответ заблокированному пользователю
Да, я о нем, да и буй с ним. С победой в Олимпиаде! Тройка Паши сделала игру. Кирилл и Никита круты, им нужно в НХЛ - чем раньше, тем лучше. Где-то видел, что Роник сказал, что Капризов особенный. Давай, пью за твое здоровье и за нашу Россию.
Да, спасибо, я тоже пью :) С победой!

Гимн они спели-таки.
Ответ заблокированному пользователю
Привет, кто это открыто на персоналии переходит?
Если ты о том, чей это текст - то это написал Джереми Рутерфорд - журналист, который постоянно трется около блюзменов. Раньше он работал на St.Louis Post-Dispatch, а теперь на The Athletic.
Ответ Конифеев
Тут все просто, Вован - играйте лучше, забивайте, и не пропускайте косячных голов - тогда и свистеть не будут. Болел не обманешь. А то ХЗ что у вас там внутри сейчас творится - уже даже всегда политкорректный Рутерфорд открытым текстом сказал, что многие игроки недовольны и самим Вованом, считая, что тот не особенно выкладывается. Кстати, Картерка так не освистывают (пока).           
И мне. Тоже интересно
Ответ Конифеев
Это было на платном сайте The athletic - он отвечал на вопрос юзера. я даже подписался ради этого, т.к. увидел наброс в интернете. Переводить мне сегодня недосуг, так что просто копирую весь сей занимательный текст оттуда: Hey JR, There’s no beating around the bush — the Predator loss was brutal. That game glorified every strength the Blues have and magnified every weakness as well. And in my opinion, the weaknesses outshined the strengths. This very frustrated fan of 30 years has all but turned the page on this season as the Blues have not shown they have the capability to play against the likes of a team with Moxi like the Predators, Lightning or even the Pens. My sentiment is at this point I’d rather see them miss the playoffs this year, have a gut check over the summer and come back embarrassed and on a mission next year. I think it’d be the best thing for the team honestly because they need something to change the culture in that locker room and missing the playoffs with talent like they have may do it. It’s clear whatever message Mike Yeo is suggesting or leadership tactics being used by the vets isn’t working. Do you think missing the playoffs is what this team needs to ’wake up’? -Gary JR: In order to answer this question, I need to break it down into two parts and keep it as real as possible. 1) Would missing the playoffs wake up the Blues? 2) If the Blues missed the playoffs, would Doug Armstrong make the necessary moves to change the culture? But before I answer No. 1, let’s make sure we’re on the same page. When someone asks me whether missing the playoffs would “wake up” the Blues, give them a “gut check” and put them “on a mission,” I take that to mean you’re asking about the players. You might be referring to the organization from top to bottom, but I prefer to focus my answer from a players’ perspective. And my answer is “no,” it would not wake up them any more than losing in the second round woke them up last season. Would they be disappointed? Certainly. Would they tell media and fans that it’s unacceptable? More times than you want to hear. But would they do any more self-examination than they did any other year or talk more amongst themselves about why they’re so inconsistent? No and no. Some of you might be asking why nothing would change. I’m not saying nothing would change. I’m just saying I don’t believe the Blues missing the playoffs by three points is going to put a more determined, ticked off team on the ice next season. Call me fatigued on the end-of-the-season post-mortem interviews. Every May, I see a despondent group of players and every October-April I see the same group making the same mistakes and excuses. Now No. 2, what could be a benefit of missing the playoffs: changing the culture. Whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, I think they have to address this issue. Listen, the Blues obviously have talented players and they have good people in their locker room. But I think they have a roster that has too many players who just brush everything off. Nothing is ever a major deal in their eyes. Yeah, they might get mad at times, but there’s always another game tomorrow, there’s always a chance to fix things. I understand that. It’s a long season and you’re not going to play well every night. You lose a game, you regroup and play better next time. But I believe, if they had more players who got pissed off in the moment, like let’s turn this game around now, let’s not wait for the next game, they’d have a better record. I think that part of the reason we don’t see this is because they don’t pull together like they should. I’m not saying these guys don’t like playing together, but they don’t pull together. This is the part of my answer where I’ll try to keep it as real as possible. I think some players resent that Vladimir Tarasenko doesn’t work as hard as he should. I think some players who think that about Tarasenko aren’t working as hard as they should be. I don’t think the leaders are doing a good enough job of taking the different personalities in the locker room and making everybody feel like one. Is Dmitrij Jaskin a bit of a loner? Yeah. Have the Blues tried to make him feel like them? Maybe more than I know. But has it been enough? No. Not just with Jaskin, but others, too, whether it’s been this year or in the past. That translates on the ice. Guys are just playing hockey, many of them not playing FOR EACH OTHER. And I haven’t even mentioned the guys who are just playing for the paycheck or the lifestyle, which in this case I’m not going to name names, but they know who they are. I truly believe that whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, Armstrong is going to have to address the attitude of this team. If I know it’s a problem, he has to know. It will be hard to change the culture — it’s hard to move contracts in the NHL — but I believe it’s necessary. I don’t believe the team’s problems can be found in analyzing a bad goal, a bad loss or a bad homestand. I believe they’re tied to the fact that it’s a group of players who are passing the puck to each other because they we
Ответ Конифеев
Последний абзац урезался...вот полностью: I truly believe that whether the Blues make the playoffs or not, Armstrong is going to have to address the attitude of this team. If I know it’s a problem, he has to know. It will be hard to change the culture — it’s hard to move contracts in the NHL — but I believe it’s necessary. I don’t believe the team’s problems can be found in analyzing a bad goal, a bad loss or a bad homestand. I believe they’re tied to the fact that it’s a group of players who are passing the puck to each other because they were either drafted or signed contracts to play for the Blues and they happen to be wearing the same crest on their sweater — not because they’re going to go to the front of the net, take a slash to the leg, absorb the pain and score a goal, because that’s what you do for your teammates and your coach and your fans. When you can show me that that’s how much these guys care, then I’ll show you a team that doesn’t poop its pants on the ice and then repeat the same B.S. to reporters game after game after game. Does that answer your question?
Привет, кто это открыто на персоналии переходит?
Ответ заблокированному пользователю
Привет, кто это открыто на персоналии переходит?
Почему ему свистят?
Danke schoen.
Ответ Конифеев
Если ты о том, чей это текст - то это написал Джереми Рутерфорд - журналист, который постоянно трется около блюзменов. Раньше он работал на St.Louis Post-Dispatch, а теперь на The Athletic.
Да, я о нем, да и буй с ним. С победой в Олимпиаде! Тройка Паши сделала игру. Кирилл и Никита круты, им нужно в НХЛ - чем раньше, тем лучше. Где-то видел, что Роник сказал, что Капризов особенный. Давай, пью за твое здоровье и за нашу Россию.
согласен с Тарасенко. когда я только в хоккей пришел, мелким совсем, нам тренер постоянно вбивал в голову: "Вратарь - это полкоманды. Его надо защищать и не давать по его воротам бросать." помню как сейчас.
Тут все просто, Вован - играйте лучше, забивайте, и не пропускайте косячных голов - тогда и свистеть не будут. Болел не обманешь.
А то ХЗ что у вас там внутри сейчас творится - уже даже всегда политкорректный Рутерфорд открытым текстом сказал, что многие игроки недовольны и самим Вованом, считая, что тот не особенно выкладывается. Кстати, Картерка так не освистывают (пока).           
Ответ BossBruins
На самом деле, освистывать вару, когда у команды в графе ’заброшенные шайбы" - зеро, как минимум идиотизм. В ПО в прошлом году, они тоже свистели Аллену, когда приносил победы над "хищниками", отражая по 50+ бросков?) Не фанат "музыкантов", но чет припекло. А вообще, да, лучше полевым вопросы позадавать. Вова совершенно прав, вопросов к нему пока побольше, чем к Аллену.
Да всем уж надоело на просеры Луиса смотреть, тем более их конфе которая платит большие деньги за просмотр того как ребята ходят пешком по полю. Свистнешь тут когда сотку за матч в мусор выкинул. В еврохоккее пацаны и то быстрее играют.
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