Lokomotiv Moscow dismiss head coach Yuri Krasnozhan over alleged match fixing

According to the information that became available to Sports.ru, at today’s extraordinary meeting the board of directors of Lokomotiv Moscow have decided to fire the club’s head coach Yuri Krasnozhan.

As we already reported, the information about the intention of Lokomotiv president Olga Smorodskaya to dismiss Krasnozhan has leaked into the media on weekend.

It is believed that the main reason for this decision were the deliberate – in Smorodskaya’s opinion – mistakes, which Krasnozhan had committed defining the line-up for the Russian Premier League matchday 11 game against Anzhi Makhachkala. Lokomotiv have lost the game 1:2, which reportedly led Smorodskaya to think that the head coach had fixed the result of the match.

The secretary of the board Yevgeni Krechetov has confirmed the fact of Yuri Krasnozhan’s resignation. «The board of directors has decided to terminate the contract with the head coach due to the mistakes committed in his work,» stated Krechetov to Sports.ru reporter Maxim Dorofeyev.

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Опубликовал: Марк Холодов
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