Ognjen Koroman to leave Krylia Sovetov

Serbian midfielder of Krylia Sovetov Samara Ognjen Koroman said he is going to leave the club as the head coach Andrey Kobelev doesn’t want him in the team.

«Two days ago Kobelev asked me to come to his office and said: «You should look for another team! It was [previous head coach Alexander ]Tarkhanov who invited you, it wasn’t me. I will use another player in your position. I don’t like you as a footballer’.»

«I don’t know what to do. I will train with the youth team. And will definitely talk to the club’s president [Viktor] Razveyev. There was only one game left until the end of the year. How come Kobelev could not wait a bit?», Koroman said in an interview with Sport-Express.

Ognjen Koroman joined Krylia Sovetov in early June, his contract expires in 2013.

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