Wolfgang Pichler may take over Russian women’s team

56-year-old German coach Wolfgang Pichler is one of the candidates for the head coach position in Russian women’s team. He is now in Ruhpolding and has already received an offer from the Russian Biathletes’ Union requiring his response in the nearest time. Pichler already has a contract with Sweden until 2014.

«We will meet with the directors of the Russian Biathletes’ Union tomorrow in Germany to discuss the offer once again. I promised to give them my answer in the nearest time,» said Pichler in his interview with Expressen.

«To tell the truth, I don’t know what to do. Without going into details, it is a really good offer. It may be an offer you only get once in your lifetime.

«I have already contacted the sports director of the Swedish Olympic Committee Peter Reinebo and the coach of Swedish biathlon team Staffan Eklund and have told them about the Russian offer. They assured me that I have done so much for the Swedish biathlon that I can make any decision.»

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