Roberto Carlos: Next year you can expect two more top players at Anzhi

Anzhi Makhachkala defender Roberto Carlos spoke about the possible transfers of his current club.

«Were you involved in the negotiations with Samuel Eto’O?»

«Of course, I spoke with Eto’O, but we only discussed general questions with him. I never get engaged in negotiations directly, though sometimes club directors ask me for a professional opinion. I still don’t know if everything is settled on the transfer of Eto’O. Maybe, it will all occur in the same way as it was with Zhirkov. Until the very last moment nobody believed he would actually come, but there we have him now, at our club.»

«What is your prediction: how many top players will join Anzhi before the summer transfer window closes?»

«I don’t know about the summer, but as far as I understand you can expect two more top players joining Anzhi ahead of the next championship.»

«Andrey Voronin suggested Anzhi to return Zidan into football. What do you make of such idea?»

«It would be awesome, but he now holds an executive position at Real Madrid, so he will hardly agree. But we have other options as well: Neymar, Messi, Ganso, or the aforementioned Voronin himself. Why not? He can definitely play at a good level for at least two years,» Roberto Carlos said as quoted by Sovetsky sport.

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