Timofey Mozgov: It was a hard though important season

Timofey Mozgov has talked about his injury and the process of recovery and has claimed the last season to be useful.

«I did not quite expect to recover in terms my doctors had announced. I started training two weeks after the injury, but was not feeling very well. My leg would not obey me and was dangling. I could neither jump, nor play in defense properly. Then I even worsened the injury in training, having stepped on my teammate’s foot. I have spent a couple of days without any training at all. And when the ankle had healed a bit, and I was able to move faster, but an unpleasant feeling has moved into the knee. I felt that the joint was not ready for such loads. They told me that no muscles were torn or strained and everything is going to heal off in a short time. I only needed to follow certain procedures to quicken the process. Now the ankle is almost OK. It is better than the knee anyway.

During the NBA championship I thought that it would hardly be a successful one. But now I understand: the season has been useful. I got an important experience not only in basketball, but also in life in general. Now I am looking forward to the national team training camp and the European Championship. And then a new NBA season, of course», said Mozgov to Sport-Express.

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