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Получила письмо от Твиттера. Как говорится, без комментарием. Посылавший не является моим фолловером, но поклонники боженьки пасут не-фаню в медийном пространстве



We have received a complaint regarding your account, @00LT, for the following content.

Tweet ID: 1261998934467031042
Tweet Text: @lronBear The only person who must have said sorry and didn't is Yuzuru Hanyu. When he slandered Denis Ten and never apologized. Japanese Federation did it for him. He was also the only person who never expressed his condolence when Denis was killed.

Profile Content Type: Profile
Profile Content: [profile]

We have investigated the reported content and could not identify any violations of the Twitter Rules (support.twitter.com/articles/18311) or German law. Accordingly, we have not taken any action at this time.

