Five Russian biathletes will compete for Ukraine
Five Russian female biathletes – Tatyana Belkina, 23, and her sister Nadezhda Belkina, 20, Kristina Stepanova, 20, and Avgusta Kulikova, 20, as well as Lilia Gorpinich, 17, – will now compete for the national team of Ukraine.
«Belkina sisters have been competing for various Russian national teams; they are aware tat they now have to be in quarantine until next summer. The others may run for Ukraine even starting with the upcoming season, if they deserve.
«I may say at once that we didn’t initiate their moves, the girls have approached us. Perhaps, for a number of reasons they have better chances to prove themselves here rather than in Russia,» president of the Ukrainian Biathlon Federation Vladimir Brynzak said to Moskovskiye Novosti.
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