Ivan Tcherezov: I plan to resume training by New Year and return to competition in spring

Three-times world champion Ivan Therezov told about his rehabilitation in New York and stated he hoped to return to competition by next spring.

«Several days ago I returned from New York. Throughout my staying there the weather was great. It was warm and sunny. Moscow greeted me with its cold, slush, and huge traffic jams, but I’m happy to be back home!

The recovery process has been long. At first I couldn’t move my foot at all. I couldn’t move my toes, my leg was weak and the gastrocnemius muscle lost much of its volume. Every move of my foot caused me great pain. I had much pain.

Now I’m going through a whole new period. In USA I was under doctors’ care, I was to work out my foot and begin to walk. Now I’m at home alone. Standing and walking is not enough, I have to resume running. Even more than that, I have to regain my form, reach a high level.

I plan to return to training by New Year. Now I have to train a lot, having spent three months without any aerobic exercise. If I succeed, I hope to run my first race in spring.

Sure, I miss our team, but I don’t know when I can join it. There’s much work to do. I’ll celebrate New Year at home. It’s a new, but very joyful experience to me», Tchrezov told in his blog on the Russian Biathlon Union’s official website.

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