Maria Sharapova on Her Pinkberry Candy Collab, Venice Faves
Friday, February 28, 2014, by Danielle Directo-Meston

Let it be known that hardcore substance abuse is never cool in our books, but with that said, it's hardly surprising when a superathlete's extreme routine sparks a vice-fueled bender. With a trophy closet full of international tennis titles, a Sports Illustrated modeling stint and a host of luxury brand partnerships (Cole Haan, Tag Heuer, Porsche), it's safe to say that Maria Sharapova has plenty on her plate. A self-professed sugar addict, the stylish sports star channeled her guilty pleasure into Sugarpova, her collection of confections that's now available in froyo topping form Pinkberry.
Available as of right now, Sharapova's exclusive yogurt toppings include adorably-shaped gummy candies in three sweet and sour flavors (our sweet tooth approved). We sat down with the four-time grand slam stunner to chat about her sweet collab with the frozen yogurt chain, where she shops when she's not jet-setting to tournaments (hint: it involves Abbot Kinney) and her Pinkberry topping strategy—read all about it and more after the jump.
Your froyo looks yummy! What flavor did you get?
"I'm eating the pomegranate yogurt, but it's melted already! It's with Smitten Sour and the Flirty [fruit-flavored] lips."

Pomegranate froyo with all three of Sugarpova x Pinkberry toppings.
We had the same thing, it's so good! So, can you tell us more about your candy collection?
"I have 15 [flavors in] Sugarpova. Three of them are the [Pinkberry] toppings, we have Smitten, Flirty and Flirty Sour, and they're all in mini shapes. They're cute!"
What inspired you to collab with Pinkberry?
"I've always been a fan of Pinkberry, and I've always loved the experience of going into the store and coming in with my friends and choosing a topping. When I started Sugarpova, it was all about having fun and being youthful [...] I thought it would be a really great collaboration. We have many of the same values as a brand."

So if you had to choose, which is your favorite flavor?
"I love the Smitten Sour, the rainbow one!"
And besides your own creations, how do you usually top your froyo?
"I usually mix it with a sweet and a fruit, so I do one of each."
Good strategy. We're loving your Pinkberry-themed outfit by the way!"
"Thanks! It's a Monique Lhuillier top and a Carven skirt. It's been fun doing the Sugarpova launch, I've been coordinating my wardrobe for it—I'd say it's a bit younger and fresher than something I would wear when it's not a candy launch. (Laughs). It's been fun putting it together!"
You currently live in Florida right now—how often do you come to LA?
"I have a home in Manhattan Beach, so it depends on where my tournaments are around the year and when I can fit [LA] in my schedule."
And where are your favorite places to relax and unwind in between tournaments?
"I travel so much, so spending time at home is actually my best vacation. I love being domestic and going to the market [...] I think it's the little things that I really enjoy when I'm back at home."
How about your favorite places to shop?
"I love going to Venice, I love how funky it is. I love having lunch at Gjelina and going to some of the shops like Guild and Heist and some of the furniture shops, they're fun."
Of course, we have to ask: Any gyms you're loving right now?
"I love working out outdoors, actually. I think it's much more fun when you're in the outdoors. Living in Florida as well, you're always outside. It's much better than being in a gym."
:) :) :)
Мария во Флориде, Григор в ЛА?