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Уим: Пресс-конференция Ли На после четверть-финального матча

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July 2, 2013

Na Li


A. RADWANSKA/N. Li 7‑6, 4‑6, 6‑2

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  That was a big battle out there today.  How important you think the first set was?

NA LI:  I think every set is important.  Yeah, I have pretty big chance in the first set, but I didn't hold.I mean, yeah, this is tennis.  I mean, after lose match, nothing to say.  Just I have to know what I should do for next step.But at least I was ‑ how you say ‑ really proud for myself, because at least today I was try to come to the net.  So this is the plan with Carlos, you know, the plan.So, yeah, at least I can use in important match.  So pretty positive, yeah.

Q.  Great tournament.  Tough loss.  In terms of the conditions on Centre Court, you played the last three matches on Court 3, which may be a little bit faster.  Also, with the rain delays after the first set, were you able to regroup, talk to Carlos?

NA LI:  Yeah, we try to talk like 30 seconds because is too short.  And also, you know, first time he didn't know where I am because we didn't go back to the locker room.  We just waiting next to the court.So is tough to find me.  So he was ask the supervisor, yeah.

Q.  What did he say at that point?

NA LI:  Yeah, because, I mean, first break just after finish first set.  He say was pretty good because at least I was try to come to the net as much as I can.So, yeah, just continue to do what I do on the court, just to believe I can do that, yeah.

Q.  And the conditions, were they different than Court 3?

NA LI:  I mean, I couldn't ask the supervisor today put match on Court 3, so is a little bit tough.  But also ‑ how you say ‑ if I play more I get used to do that.But, I mean, yeah, you know, after lose the match is really nothing to say.

Q.  When you look back over the whole tournament, how well do you think you've done?

NA LI:  Was pretty good really.  At least better than the last two years, yeah.  And also, you know, I prove another thing, prove so many thing on the court.Yeah, like before I never thinking I can come to the net as like today so many times.So at least now we have a job to do, me and Carlos.  We know what we should do for next step.

Q.  Do you think you've proved that now?

NA LI:  It's not bad, right?  I mean, I come in I don't know how many times because today I didn't get any information.

Q.  71.

NA LI:  Oh, they say 71.  Not bad.  So I think maybe today I was come to the net much more than my whole life (laughter).So, yeah, it's good proof.

Q.  How do you like it up there at the net?

NA LI:  It's not bad really.  I mean, first time I was feeling, Oh, I really can come to the net.  Before I was thinking, No, no, this not my style.  I have to stay on the baseline, yeah.

Q.  Does this tournament feel different for you at all pressure‑wise being in the quarterfinals with no Serena, no Sharapova, no Azarenka?

NA LI:  I mean, of course, you always can feeling the pressure.  No matter which tournament, you always feeling.But this pressure ‑ how you say ‑ it's not from your team, it's outside.  So you have used to do that because the pressure coming.  You couldn't against.  You have to take it to see whether you can deal.

Q.  Do you have any guess who is going to win the tournament now?

NA LI:  How you can ask that?  I just lose the match.

Q.  In the first set you had a few set points.  One of them was an ace that you hit out wide, very close.  You didn't challenge it.  Do you want to know if the ball was in or out?

NA LI:  Was in?

Q.  Yes.

NA LI:  Okay (laughter).  Thanks.  I mean, thanks for giving me information.

Q.  Why not challenge it?

NA LI:  Why you should tell me now (smiling)? Okay, so, I mean, wow.  So, okay, I got information.  Next time I will challenge it for sure.

Q.  What do you think was the difference the last set?  You played a really good second set.  Maybe you had the edge.  What was tough with her game that you couldn't solve today?

NA LI:  I mean, every set's different.  I mean, coming to the final set of course ‑‑ I think two set we play already two hours.  Yeah, so of course, I mean, both was feeling tired on the court, but still fight a lot.  I mean, yeah, never give up for both.So, you know, is very tough to say because, yeah, the final set was 6‑2.  But in my serve game or she serve game I have a breakpoint, I have a game point, but I didn't got.So I would like to say still tough set.  Is not like easy, so...

Q.  Is it something you don't like to do, challenging between your first and second serve?  We're all wondering why you didn't challenge that call.  Is it something you don't like to do between two serves?

NA LI:  Maybe I will challenge it next time.  But, I mean, it's very tough to say because on the court you couldn't think too much.You know, when maybe I was play on the court you guys was sitting like out of the court, so maybe you can see more clear, yeah.

Q.  What's next for you now?  Are you going to have a few weeks off?

NA LI:  Yeah, so I will start Toronto.  Yeah, so I have four weeks.  Yeah, I need time to recovery.

Q.  Going to the net as much as you did today, is that something we're going to see just on grass or on hard courts as well?

NA LI:  I think I will try to continue in hard court, as well, because I feel the pace now.  I was feeling pretty good, so I think I should continue to do.I think this ‑ how you say ‑ may be easy to win the point or is another challenge for yourself.

Q.  It seems like the relationship with Carlos is good.  Is it getting better and better?

NA LI:  We always good.  Even like today.  I was so surprised, because, yeah, after match, he say, Wow, I so proud of you.  I say, I lose the match.  He say, No, you really do what I say.He say, Now I know what I should do.  I say, I need rest.  Don't tell me what plan for next.So, yeah, was pretty happy about this tournament because ‑ how you say ‑ last couple month I didn't do well in clay court.So I really ‑ how you say ‑ really happy I can find better feeling in the grass.  But the grass season is over, so, yeah, just try to continue to start the hard court season.

Q.  How much of an impact did the medical timeout have at the start of the third set?  There was 10 minutes of treatment where you had to sit around.  How did you keep your focus?

NA LI:  No, this time was okay, really.  I know I have this problem.  Really when she call the physio I was see the paper and I try to do serve because next game I serve.I try to change something.  I mean, of course you couldn't change like 100%.  So for me just like step, and at least I really want to change.  So this is main thing.

Q.  When you had the injury timeouts you had the piece of paper on your lap.  What are the couple points you kept reminding yourself that were on that piece of paper?

NA LI:  No, I mean, sometimes if you play the match or something ‑ how you say ‑ when the score pretty tight maybe you forgot some important thing.  If I look the paper I was feeling, Okay, what I should do?  What I should do?  What I can do even better?Just give some information for myself, yeah.

Q.  There are six women left in the tournament now.  Only one of them has ever won a Grand Slam before.  You've won your first Grand Slam fairly recently.  If you had to give advice to the five women who haven't done it yet, what would your advice be on how to finish it off?

NA LI:  Hey, don't try to push me down.  I mean ‑ how you say ‑ is really tough to say.  Really.  Everyone has different feeling, so, yeah.

Q.  Are you going to stay around and watch the rest of the tournament or do you just want to get out of here?

NA LI:  I will get out of here as soon as possible (smiling).No, I mean ‑ how you say ‑ it's very tough after you lose the match still pay attention in the tournament.  You know, I always do after match I will left or I will never see how about the tennis.Maybe go shopping.  Maybe go somewhere else.  Just try relax a little bit, yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports