Мадрид: Пресс-конференция Серены 11.05.2013
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May 11, 2013
Serena Williams
S. WILLIAMS/S. Errani 7‑6, 6‑2
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. Congratulations for the match.
Q. How happy are you for the match, your performance today?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I guess I'm a little happy. You know, I feel that I played solid. In the second set more than the first I made a few less errors, which was something that I needed to do.
Q. You tweeted today, Guys, I'm going to leave you because I have to prepare for my match. What's is that for you?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Really just staying focused and not doing too many extracurricular activities. I usually just stay in my room really and be the most boring person you can ever imagine.That's kind of the way I get focused.
Q. Tomorrow you are going to have a very different player, either Maria or Ivanovic. What are you going to focus on tomorrow with your game especially?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I look forward to it. I feel like this whole tournament I've only played clay court players from my first round to now. Everyone was also smaller than me.So I think tomorrow will be a really good match. Different game. More power obviously, but still a lot of the consistency.So I look forward to it.
Q. You're into your first red clay final since 2002. Is that a weird stat for you?SERENA WILLIAMS: No, not at all. Happy to be here. It feels good.
Q. Also, Ana and Maria are going on now. Do you pay attention to your opponents or do you not care?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I try not to pay too much attention. You know, I always just try to play my game. You're playing players who you know their strengths and weaknesses.For me, I really just try to play my game and not get too involved in the rest.
Q. Congratulations. My question is about the WTA Tour. You have been around a few years. I would like to know, do you feel that girls today have more power than ten years ago?
SERENA WILLIAMS: Yeah, I think consistently there is more power. I think ten years ago there was probably six or seven players who had a lot of power.But I think now there's more players that have more power. So, yes.
Q. Somewhere in the future ‑ it's not on your mind at the moment ‑ but are you going to play anything before Wimbledon this year?
SERENA WILLIAMS: No. It works when I don't play, so I'm actually going to go home for a few days and just sleep in my bed for a few days and then go back to Wimbledon.
Q. Also, I would like to know if you enjoy social network, Twitter and Facebook?
SERENA WILLIAMS: I think it's fun. It's a good way for the fans to connect. And I have Serena Fridays, so when I remember I try to answer questions. But I don't remember always.I just happened to remember yesterday. I was like, Okay, I have to answer a few questions for the fans. But you have to stay tuned, because I have some exciting news coming up soon for Serena Fridays.In a couple weeks I have a great big announcement. (Smiling.)
Q. What's is most important for you, win tournament like Madrid or to be No. 1?
SERENA WILLIAMS: That's a tough one. Obviously I love being No. 1. In my heart I feel I'm No. 1, but also I love to win tournaments.So I think if I just win as many tournaments as I can then I'll be No. 1. Hopefully. That's just the way I have to look at it.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports