Серена выиграла титул в Мадриде 2013
По горячим следам спешу поздравить Серенку с защитой титула в Мадриде, с 50ым титулом за карьеру, 7ым титулом на грунте, общей 584ой победой за карьеру.
Well done! Всё лучшее Серена оставила на финал)
Пока нет официальных фотосетов, но всё равно выкладываю свежеиспеченную чемпионку:

Жаль, не нашла фоток Серены с её пёсиком, он сегодня во фраке по случаю победы :)
Зато фото от Саши Бажина с комментарием "Классическая поза Серены Уильямс")))

Добавляю вью Серены представителям турнира:

Congratulations Serena, another title here in Madrid. How are you feeling right now?
I’m excited to have done half-way decent and excited to hold the trophy. Every week is a battle, every week is a fight so I look forward to continuing to go forward.
Did you expect when you came here one week ago that you would successfully defend your title in Madrid?
I didn’t think about it, obviously I wanted to come, I wanted to win. But I thought ‘OK, are you really going to win and defend your title? I don’t know, you can just try.’
50 WTA titles, Serena. You’re a legend of tennis. How does that make you feel?
It feels great, it feels really good to keep winning and to do the best I can and that’s all I can do.
You had a very consistent performance today, Serena. What was the key to the match?
For me the key was being consistent with my return and with my serve and just not making a lot of errors. I started making a few in the second and I had to stop doing that and change.
After the ceremony we saw very funny moments with you and the ballboys and celebrating with your dog. Did you enjoy it?
Yes, the ballboys are great, they’re so hot! My dog always comes to all my matches.
Twelve consecutive victories against Maria Sharapova is amazing, how have you achieved that?
Definitely not easily because she’s a great player and, I don’t know, I just try and do the best I can every time I play her and I have to really focus because she’s playing so well.
With this victory you will keep the WTA World Number 1. Is that important to you?
It’s important. It’s another week. Another week, I think it’s up for grabs, but it’s important.
By Roberto Hernández | Source photo: Mutua Madrid Open
А Серене огромнейшее спасибо за избавление нас от безумных восхвалении, визгов шарофанов в случае победы Шараповой)))
никакого сопротивления
А спортс.ру "падает" от проигрыша от Серены, так как в очередной раз рушатся мечты, а вместе с ним и сайт)))
Были сегодня некоторые сомнения, но ты в очередной раз показала свой чемпионский характер!
За сомнения уж извини))))
Кроме того Серена сохраняет за собой первую строчку до конца Уима)
Всех поздравляю с победой Серены!
Завтра постараюсь написать продолжение своего поста о Серене на грунте.