Мы помним и никогда не забудем
Сегодня выглядит как обычный день в теннисе. Идут турниры, теннисистки играют, болельщики болеют, журналисты пишут о теннисистках и то что есть и было, и то что никогда не случилось....
Но 40 лет назад этот день был уникальный. Девять женщин навсегда изменили историю тенниса - они создали женский профессиональный теннис.
Быть первым это не столь просто и не каждому удается быть первым в что-то. Но быть первым в мире и создать что-то впервые, это действительно очень трудно. А когда это меняет жизнь многих людей на многих лет вперед, тогда это называется гениальным.
Разумеется когда эти 9 женщин подписали первые в мире профессиональные теннисные договоры они не думали что делают что-то гениальное. Они просто боролись за правах женщин.
Но сейчас, 40 лет спустя, когда мы видим насколько много эти 9 женщин изменили женский теннис, и даже можно сказать женский профессиональный спорт, можно спокойно сказать что они сотворили что-то генилаьное и открыли дорогу в будущем.
Вспоминая этот день, эти 9 женщин и то, что они сделали 40 лет назад, мне хочется сказать - "Спасибо! Мы помним и никогда не забудем!"
"I thought it was important for me and all my fans to take the time to recognize Billie Jean and the Original Nine for everything they have done for women′s tennis. I am personally grateful for their vision and their ′fight′ for all the generations that followed them. I am very aware and humbled of what these nine women have done for my career."
"What Billie Jean and her fellow players did was obviously history-changing and I don′t think there is a single female tennis player today who doesn′t feel a lot of gratitude to them and their courage. We are fortunate to be in the position we are in today, with the same prize money as the guys at combined events, and we owe a lot of that to what these women did forty years ago."
"I can′t believe it′s been 40 years! What an honor it′s been to play professional tennis and to showcase the best of the best in womens′ sports. We owe so much to the Original Nine for having the guts and the vision to make it possible for us today and the unborn champions. I thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"It took an immense amount of guts and determination for these women to do what they did. To risk their entire tennis careers and take on the then heavyweights of the game really paved the way for women′s tennis. Without their drive there is no way that we, the current players on the Tour, would have the opportunities we have today. I think we owe so much to Billie Jean and the original nine for all they have done, not just women′s tennis but women′s sports, and women in general."
"Forty years ago, nine women risked there careers and livelihoods to pursue a dream that in turn enabled many women to live the dream of becoming professional tennis players. Personally it has allowed me to do something i truly love as a career for over 20 years and I will forever be indebted to those amazing women for there strength, fortitude and vision. Thankyou, ladies."
"I think it′s so important we remember what Billie Jean and the Original Nine did. It′s because they fought for better opportunities that the WTA Tour is now made up of players from all over the world. Even if they aren′t household names, they all made an impact and we players have a lot to be thankful for."
"Every one of us playing on the wta tour today owes a lot to those nine women who were willing to back themselves and take a big risk to try and create something great. I can′t think of a better example for any tennis player than that and I feel very honoured to think that I′m following in their footsteps now. Every time we step on the court we should remember where we it all started and be grateful for the amazing tour we have now."
"Having just won my first Tour title, it′s a special week for me to think about the impact of the Original Nine. Since they paved the way for women to make a living from tennis, they have affected so many lives in such a huge way. They were pioneers for women′s tennis and I feel honored to have been able to follow in their footsteps and pursue my own dream of becoming a professional tennis player."
"I wasn′t even born when those players set up the tour but the fact that it′s grown into what we have today is amazing. I think every player aspires to be playing on the Tour week-in and week-out because it′s the highest level of tennis. Without those players none of us would have that to strive towards."
Вот они "оригинальные 9" женщин:
Left to right: Judy Dalton, Kerry Melville Reid, Rosie Casals, Julie M. Heldman, Billie Jean King (seated), Kristy Pigeon, Peaches Bartkowicz, Nancy Richey and Valerie Ziegenfuss

Left to right, seated: Judy Tegart Dalton, Kerry Melville Reid, Rosie, Gladys Heldman, Kristy Pigeon. Standing, left to right: Valerie Ziegenfuss, Billie Jean King, Nancy Richey, Peaches Bartkowicz. Missing from photo is Julie M. Heldman.

А кто они? Основные данные можно прочитать здесь (на английском):

Valerie Ziegenfuss:

In Her Own Words: Valerie Ziegenfuss
Rosie Casals:

In Her Own Words: Rosie Casals
Nancy Richey:

In Her Own Words: Nancy Richey
Julie Heldman:

In Her Own Words: Julie Heldman
Gladys Heldman: godmother of women′s tennis.

Jane ′Peaches′ Bartkowicz:

Judy Dalton:

Kerry Melville Reid :

Billie Jean King:

Анне успехов с новым гражданством, жаль все же, что мало играла (