Майами: Пресс-конференция Марии
Пресс-конференция после финала
March 31, 2012
A. RADWANSKA/M. Sharapova
7 5, 6 4
An interview with:
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. How do you get to play at noon in this weather?
Q. Yeah.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Well, I′ve played at 11:00 one day and I played at 1:00 a few times. It′s kind of in between. I don′t know how to answer that.
Q. As you get older and your career progresses, the runner up finishes, do they get easier, harder, are they all different? What would you say?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah. Well, it′s always tough, because, you know, you do a really good job to get there. It′s obviously always the toughest round. You know, I thought she played extremely well today, was very consistent, got that extra ball back and I made that extra mistake. She didn′t give me many errors. When I had my chances at break point, I didn′t take them. When she had them, she did.
Q. You were not able to jump on her serve the way you did the previous matches, and she doesn′t have a lot of pace. Is it just simply your timing that you feel was off, or is there something about her real slow serves that make it difficult?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: It was just one of those days. I definitely didn′t return well. I wasn′t aggressive on that shot. When I did have second serve opportunities, you know, she′s serving at 70 miles per hour and I′m not winning those points, there′s something wrong with that. You know, I for sure should have won a lot of those second serve points. I just didn′t.
Q. It seems that the last game the forehand particularly let you down.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Well, again, she got that extra ball back, and I went for a little bit more than I had to and I made the error.
Q. So do you think when there are that many errors, how much is it you and how much is the way that she′s playing is making you make more errors? I know you don′t have an exact percentage, but if you could kind of explain.
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, it′s obviously a combination. You want to put pressure on her to go for a little bit more maybe when she′s, you know, moving, but she moved extremely well. She hit a lot of good balls on the run and they were deep. She didn′t just bring them back; she had something on them. Then the few errors on important points that I made I thought were you know, maybe I shouldn′t have gone for the line so much, you know, aimed a little bit closer to the middle.
Q. How is your serve working these days? How did it feel today, your shoulder and the way you′ve had to adjust your serve?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Yeah, my shoulder feels really good. I′m really happy, you know, that I got over that injury. It took a really long time and a lot of adjustments. It was certainly tough because I had to make those adjustments. I wasn′t used to them. But, yeah, I′m really happy with the way the shoulder is.
Q. Overall making the final here, how do you go home? How do you put this tournament in perspective with your season so far?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Well, it feels tough now just because, you know, it′s only 30 minutes after you lose, so not the easiest thing in the world. But, um, of course it′s you know, these last two tournaments are always, you know, the toughest just because they′re so close together and playing six matches in an event. So I′m really happy that I got to play all six. Obviously I would have loved to be the winner, but just the way it goes.
Q. Is it frustrating when you have to generate so much of the pace yourself?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Um, I mean, that′s what I usually do is just that. You know, maybe I made a few more errors than I should have.
Q. You got broken twice at the end of each set. Did you feel like your nerves let you down today?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Well, I was down 4 5 and I held and it was 5 All, and I was Love 30 at some point that was in the second set and I didn′t take those chances. I was always playing from behind, so I could have lost you know, could have lost the game on my serve at any point in that set. But, you know, she just she got that extra ball back when she had to.
Q. You were three hours and a half more than Agnieszka. Do you feel it was a factor today?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Doesn′t matter. I mean, both of us get to the stage where we still have to go, and the finals is at a certain time and you have to be there, and whoever it is you have to face against. You can′t worry how much time you′ve spent on the court, and it doesn′t really matter when you′re out there.
Q. You had some good results on clay last year. Are you looking forward to clay this year?
MARIA SHARAPOVA: Absolutely, yeah. I feel like I′ve improved with every year that I have been playing on it and I enjoy it. I feel like you learn so much about the construction of the points and the games, such a cat and mouse game. I didn′t necessarily like that many years back, but I feel like I′m much better at it and I have improved, and physically, as well. Yeah, I′m looking forward to taking a little break now but getting on the clay and starting the practice.
FastScripts by ASAP Sports
МАРИЯ: Да. Это всегда тяжело, потому что проделана огромная работа, чтобы достичь финала. Она играла сегодня чрезвычайно хорошо: была очень стабильна, возвращала много мячей. А я много ошибалась и не использовала свои шансы на брейк поинтах, тогда как она их использовала полностью.
ВОПРОС: Сегодня Вам не удалось взять ее подачу, как это удавалось в предыдущих матчах, когда у нее не было возможностей вести игру. Это случилось потому что вы не чувствовали свой тайминг или ее медленная подача затрудняла Вас?
МАРИЯ: Просто сегодня один из таких дней, когда прием подачи не получался. Я должна была выигрывать много очков, когда она подавала вторым мячом со скоростью около 70 миль в час. А я как раз этого не делала.
ВОПРОС: Кажется, в последних геймах особенно Ваш форхэнд подводил Вас.
МАРИЯ: Хорошо. Она возвращала много мячей, и я рисковала немного больше, чем должна была, и это приводило к невынужденным ошибкам с моей стороны.
МАРИЯ: Да это было комбинированно. Я хотела оказать на нее давление, чтобы заставить ее больше двигаться и мне приходилось рисковать, но она двигалась чрезвычайно хорошо и возвращала много мячей очень глубоко, находясь в движении. Она ни просто возвращала их, она еще и варьировала. Потом я допустила несколько ошибок на важных мячах. Возможно, мне не следовало посылать их к линиям так часто, а прицеливаться ближе к середине.
ВОПРОС: Вы дважды отдали свою подачу сегодня и оба раза в конце каждого сета. Ваши нервы подвели Вас сегодня?
МАРИЯ: Хорошо, у меня не шла игра в начале 10-го гейма первого сета на моей подаче, но в итоге мне удалось ее взять и сделать счет 5-5. В конце второго сета в аналогичной ситуации, когда на моей подаче было 0-30, я не использовала свои шансы. Я всегда играла, находясь за задней линией. Возможно, поэтому я и проиграла геймы на моей подаче из-за нескольких таких розыгрышей. Но вы знаете, что она возвращала такое огромное количество мячей, когда получала их.
ВОПРОС: По ходу турнира Вы на 3,5 часа играли дольше, чем она. Это сказалось на вашей игре?
МАРИЯ: Это неважно. Мы обе дошли до стадии финала, потратив на это каждая свое время, но это не имеет никакого значения и не принимается во внимание, как и тот факт против кого тебе придется играть. Ты просто должна быть здесь и играть с тем, кто стоит напротив тебя.
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