Сидней: Пресс-конференция Агнешки 07.01.2013
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January 7, 2013
Agnieszka Radwanska
THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.
Q. What was your thinking behind starting off in New Zealand as opposed to getting used to the warmer conditions up in Brisbane?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, actually I couldn't imagine better start of the year. It was my first time there, first time in Auckland, New Zealand, so I had really good couple matches and good preparation before coming here and going to Australian Open.So, well, yeah.
Q. Obviously you will have played two tournaments in a row arriving at the Australian Open. Is that the kind of preparation you like for a Grand Slam, to play a lot of matches?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, in the beginning of the year, especially now that we didn't have matches for a couple weeks, I think it's good to play. But, you know, everybody prefers maybe something else, just to play one maybe just before.But for sure I had already five matches, which is a lot. It's always good to have a lot of matches before in the beginning of the year.But, well, tomorrow it's going to be very, very hot here, so I think it's also will be good preparation for Melbourne.
Q. It got hot in Auckland as well, didn't it?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: It was not that hot, no. I think maybe it was around 25, I believe. No, not at all.
Q. Did you enjoy the smaller crowd in Auckland? Did it help you focus on your game a little bit better as opposed to coming in here with the bigger grandstand, the bigger crowd?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: To be honest I was surprised, because from the first round there the stadium was full. I really like the crowd. The tournament was very good. I can't complain about anything.
Q. You had a great year last year: three titles. What are your goals for this year having reached No. 4? Is it to do better in the Grand Slams? What is it you want to achieve coming off last year?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think the goals every year are pretty much the same. Of course be No. 1 and winning the Grand Slams. Last year was very close, both of them, so definitely I will try this year.
Q. Do you feel you're ready to make that next step?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think so. Like I say, I was really close, especially being No. 1. Just couple matches. So I think, you know, I can do it. Well, I will still work hard and try to do that.
Q. Is it as simple is that, hard work gets you to the next level?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think there is nothing simple here, but to be No. 1, it's just not about one or two tournaments. You have to play whole year very good to have those kind of points to be No. 1 and to be on top.Well, I'm going to work on that for sure.
Q. Having made a Grand Slam final, did that match teach you anything about what's required to win at that level? Did you learn anything?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Yeah, I think every match on the Grand Slam, especially in the second week of the Grand Slam, it's a great experience. When I was going on the Centre Court at Wimbledon it was huge difference than the usual final. (Smiling.)So that's why. Anyway, Serena was playing too good that day. It was definitely great experience.
Q. Serena obviously has started very well, like you have. She won in Brisbane. Is she playing at a higher level than all the other women at the moment, or do you feel like you could get to her level?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Every tournament is different story; every match is different story. Definitely she's on fire and she's playing unbelievable tennis last couple months. For sure she's a very tough opponent right now.
Q. If not in Melbourne, then where do you see yourself winning your first Grand Slam? Clay? Grass? Hard court?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: That's a good question. To be honest, I don't know.
Q. Preference?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think on grass I was really close and I really like that surface. I was really doing well every year since the junior times.So I think grass or hard court, but I don't think clay. (Smile.)
Q. I've noticed that you haven't tweeted on your Twitter account since November. Are you trying to concentrate? Were you finding it distracting?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: To be honest, I'm more like a Facebook person. Yeah, I'm on Facebook.
Q. Your fans must miss you.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: So just go on Facebook.
Q. Just in regards to the heat tomorrow, what measures can you take to protect yourself from it?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, for sure lots of drinking, and already today I think is good to be prepared for tomorrow.But you never know. Sometimes you have a better day. Sometimes it's the worst day that you just can't really play your best tennis in these conditions.So, you know, you never know, especially when tomorrow will be very, very hot.
Q. How did you reach that kind of match when you know it's going to be just a really hard challenge for everyone?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think it's challenge for everyone. Everybody has the same conditions even. It's just not about me. Sometimes this kind of weather can be in the semifinal of a Grand Slam as well and you have to play and be prepared.So, well, I will try to do my best tomorrow, definitely.
Q. Do you do kind of sports psychology to prepare yourself for that level of heat tomorrow?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I think just a lot of ice. That's it, yeah.
Q. At 23 you're still so young and you've come so far. Do you wake up every morningexcited about the opportunities that are in front of you?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: To be honest, when I see all the girls like 17, 18 I'm just thinking, I'm almost 24; I'm not that young anymore. I think a lot of young players also coming up, but time flies, that's for sure.But definitely I hope I can still play my best tennis for another couple years. Like we see Serena is not 20 years old and she's playing unbelievable tennis.I think definitely nothing really change.
Q. Must be incredible having your sister play tennis as well and be in your support network. Do you critique each other or leave each other to your own games?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Actually, we just support each other. I don't think we say any like bad things.
Q. Just positives?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Just positives. I think this is really hard work and we're traveling so much, so I think it's great to have someone on tour from the family. It's always more fun.I think it's great to have someone, especially that her ranking is now much better so we can play almost everything together, the same tournaments.
Q. Now that you are No.4, how did you remain humble and try to appear humble and not let it get to your head?
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Well, I think I'm the same person that I was couple years ago I am now. Of course if somebody will tell me maybe when I was 16 that I would be No. 4 or No. 2 in the word I would say, Yeah, yeah for sure. I wouldn't believe that.I'm just very happy that I can be on the top for couple years now and being top 10 for five years. So I think this is the most important thing.
Q. What do you think you did better last year? It was your best year on the tour.
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: I had this question couple of times, but to be honest, I didn't really change anything. I was really practicing hard. Of course, for example, winning Miami I think was the great result, having a lot of good matches in row and didn't losing a set. That was for sure very good achievement over there.I think for whole year I was really doing much better on clay court season last year, so I think that make also big difference.
Q. So was it just confidence you out got out of Miami that allowed you to ride that...
AGNIESZKA RADWANSKA: Of course, winning those big tournaments is always more confidence, yes.
FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports
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Агнешка: на самом деле, мы просто поддерживаем друг друга. Не думаю что говорим какие либо плохие вещи.
Спрашивают: только позитивные?
Агнешека: только позитивные) Я думаю, это очень тяжело играть и мы очень много путешествуем, это здорово иметь кого нибудь в туре из семьи.. особенно сейчас, когда ее(Улы) рейтинг много лучше..мы можем играть в туре вместе(тренироваться, наверно)
Очень приятно, что так тепло отзывается о сестре:) про рейтинг Улы) Ну, может она и поднялась в рейтинге, и положение свое улучшила. Как то все равно на турнирах не задерживается, как бы Агнешка не хотела столь долго с ней тренироваться)