Буш и Обама играют в гольф

This handmade fleece/knit golf club headcover of Osama bin Laden might not be politically correct everywhere, but to America it should be.
Say what you will about Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, but they did what they said they were going to do when it came to Osama bin Laden. Sometimes America likes to divide itself on issues, but this is one thing that can unite her.
There are a couple issues I would like to clear up for those who might not know me. I am ethnically Tatar, which is an autonomous Muslim republic landlocked by Russia. It is very secular, and if a woman is wearing the hijab, it is because she thinks it looks nice, not because she has to. People in the Western world don’t really seem to understand Russia, and sometimes their ignorance can be baffling when it comes to understanding the Muslim world. Persians become Arabs, Kurds become Arabs, and Israeli citizens who happen to be Arabs become terrorists in the eyes of the uneducated.

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I don’t worry about the intelligent not understanding my motivations, but rather the beat reporters for various rags (you know who you are). Osama bin Laden killed thousands of innocent people, and we should celebrate the downfall (speaking of which) of someone who hated us. This opinion might be politically incorrect to some, but I wouldn’t do political art if I cared about sensitive people’s feelings. Really, I’m just very grateful to Obama for making it personal and getting the guy.

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I do however worry that people would think that by making this headcover, I somehow am racist and parroting the same trite stereotypes born out of the same Western ignorance I was talking about. This is not the case. This is about one man who twisted logic so much that he killed not only innocent people, but people on his own side. He was a maniac, woman abuser, and international terrorist.
That all said, with this headcover I want golfers everywhere to take his aggression and tactics out on the golf course and to terrorize every fairway possible. If you believe in the golf gods, and that your driver is an atheist infidel, then this headcover is for you. Put the fear of Osama into your driver, and wage jihad on your golf buddies!