«Роллинг Стоунз» от велоспорта

Фотография в твиттере немецкого велогонщика Йенса Фойта.
«Сегодня на презентации команд. «Роллинг Стоунз» от велоспорта. 160 лет на четверых».
На фото слева направо: Йенс Фойт (42 года), Иван Бассо (36 лет), Крис Хорнер (42 года) и Кэдел Эванс (37 лет).
Jens Voigt doesn’t age, he simply drops every year that catches up to him. #JensVoigtFacts
Jens Voigt never gets penalized for feeding in the last kilometers. He simply eats pieces of the mountain. #jensvoigtfacts #TdF
Jens Voigt has won today’s rest day. #jensvoigtfacts #tdf
How many bottles can one rider bring back from the team car? Jens Voigt tries to see how many team cars he can carry back to the peloton.
Jens Voigt has never made an attempt at the hour record because he could do it in less than 60 minutes. #JensVoigtFacts