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Сидней: Пресс-конференция Ли На 10.01.2013

Выставил оригинальный текст пресс-конференции Ли На после матча против Агнешки.

January 10, 2013

Na Li


A. RADWANSKA/N. Li 6‑2, 6‑4

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  How did you feel about your match out there today, your play?

NA LI:  It's really tired.  I mean, I was try, but, how do you say, I was feeling like if I 100% for one point, I need like two, three point to recover.So it's very tough to, how you say, concentration every point on this match.

Q.  Was it because you had a short break between last night's match?

NA LI:  No.  I think maybe because I put a lot of tension for last match.  Yeah, and so I don't know.  Maybe didn't 100% recover.

Q.  But you had less time than Aga between yesterday.

NA LI:  I mean, you have to follow the schedule.  You couldn't do anything.Yeah.

Q.  Saving those seven match points, did you think you could come back and win the game?

NA LI:  I always feeling like I have a chance, yeah.  Even the chair umpire didn't say finish, everyone has the chance.Yeah.

Q.  Do you think it's best for your Australian Open campaign now that you have a little bit of a break, you've got a few days to recover from quite a hard schedule, Shenzhen and then in here one day and playing the next?

NA LI:  I mean, if I'm still in tournament of course good confident two final come to Australian Open.But now I lose the semis, so I have to think another way.  I have a couple days to prepare for Australian Open, so at least I hit some matches before the Australian Open.So pretty good, yeah.

Q.  You mentioned yesterday about the new things you're trying to do with your coach.  How do you feel your game is at the moment?

NA LI:  I was like the way I'm hit the ball right now on the court as well.  Like move forward even more than before.Yeah.

Q.  You feel you're developing your game now along the lines where you want to go with your new coach?

NA LI:  Yeah.  I mean, if we make the goal we have to follow.  We have to trust each other, right?  Otherwise, I mean, I don't think we make it.

Q.  Are you as fit as you would like to be?  You just said you struggled to deal with the workload here in Sydney.  Are you happy with how fit you are?

NA LI:  Why not?  I'm still in the semis.  (Smiling.)  Why I should so sad?For this year I didn't lose first match for this year, so pretty good experience, right?  (Smiling.)

Q.  You were just saying that you struggled with the load this week.  Do you have any worries about that heading to Melbourne and playing seven matches in two weeks?

NA LI:  I mean, at least in Melbourne if really play seven matches like two days one match, so at least you can have one day between.  You can have rest.  Not like in here, because I was play Shenzhen and come here.I think I play how many matches?


NA LI:  Nine matches totally, but I use ten days.  One days because of traveling.  It's tough challenging, you know.  You have to traveling, you have to play the match, you have to change the conditions, you have to change everything.

Q.  So you think this is the result of all of that work, not just yesterday or the day before with the heat?

NA LI:  You know, maybe because it's totally different, the condition, you know.  And also you have to traveling as well.  You really didn't have, how you say, time for 100% to recover from the first match.

Q.  Do you feel like she was playing a little bit better today?  Were you surprised by her game, the way she was attacking a little bit more and taking initiative?

NA LI:  I mean, if I can play more aggressive‑‑ you know, this is tennis.  If I play a little bit lower, she of course will play a little bit better.So, yeah.  I mean, she also was tired.  She win in Auckland and here.  She's strong.  Better than me.  (Smiling.)

Q.  The WTA announced that there will be a new tournament in Wuhan in 2014.  How do you feel about that?  That's your hometown.

NA LI:  Yeah, special city for me.  I was born there and grow up in there, so of course.  I mean, the easy way for me, if my good friend on the tour, if they come to Wuhan I will show how good the food they have.  So like they eat first and make them couldn't move on the court.  (Laughing.)No, no, just joke.  I mean, of course I will show how good in my hometown if I have time, but it's tough for the athlete if they are bring the new tournament.  They always have to fix the court, the weather, everything.I wish if have they have time I can take them to looking around my hometown.

Q.  It's going to be cool enough in Wuhan, do you think, before the China Open?

NA LI:  So it's like September, right?

THE MODERATOR:  Yeah, September.

NA LI:  Maybe around 25, something like that, so should be okay.Yeah, not like here, so...

Q.  Why do you think there are so many tournaments going to Asia, China h, Japan, away from the other parts of the world?

NA LI:  Because they have good economy.  (Laughter.)

Q.  And the others don't?

NA LI:  No, because I think‑‑ okay, I answer now.I think it's because tennis now in Asia was grow up a lot, and of course in China as well this couple years.  So many, how you say, children pick up the tennis racquet.  So many sponsor to watch the tennis tournament, you know.So I think this is the way.

Q.  More to come?

NA LI:  I wish, otherwise I don't need to traveling.  I just can only stay in China to play tournament.  (Laughing.)

Q.  Your biography came out.  Do you know how many copies have been solid in China?

NA LI:  I think 800,000 already.

Q.  Wow.

NA LI:  It's not a lot for China market.  I mean, I think because still some people, they didn't know yet.  Yeah, and also right now my book only for Mandarin, so they try to come for Cantonese or English.

Q.  What other things in Wuhan are you looking forward to showing your fellow players?

NA LI:  So many area I can show them if they have time.  Maybe I was worry if I really want to show and they say, No, we were not interesting.  So this is a little bit tough.So I will tell them from now.

Q.  Maybe part of the on there are more tournaments in China is because you are popular there.  You have been very successful.  It helps, yes, to create interest in tennis?

NA LI:  I don't think it's only myself.  Also, I think in China have a lot of good player like Jie Zheng, Peng Shuai.  So many young player was grow up as well, so you can see this time in Australia, how many?  (Through translation.)  Like seven for the women's; two for the men as well.So I would like to say everyone saw China have huge, big market, so that's why.

Q.  Just if you could, on Agnieszka, do you think she is aggressive now and that she can challenge the Serenas, the Marias, and the Victorias at the Australian Open next week?

NA LI:  Well, I think she will come later, right, for press conference?  So you should ask her.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports