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Россия и Южная Корея провели научную конференцию в Сеуле по вопросам энергетики

21 октября в Сеуле состоялся корейско-российский воркшоп по устойчивой энергетике, организованный компанией-экспертом по трансферу технологий Евразтех и Международным Центром по научно-техническому сотрудничеству  по заказу Министерства науки, ИКТ и планирования будущего РК и при поддержке Корейского Государственного научного фонда.


On Oct 21 Eurastech (Евразтех) - South Korean technology transfer agency and MICE-industry expert organized Sustainable Energy Workshop in Seoul hosted by ROK Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning with participation of prominent scientists and leading SK and Russian energy companies and research institutions.

The Moscow and Almaty - based ISTC (International Science and Technology Center) held this event in cooperation with Eurastech Corp. from Seoul – technology transfer agency and MICE- an industry specialist with a support by National Research Foundation of Korea . ISTC was established in Moscow by international agreement in 1992 and coordinates the efforts of numerous governments, international organizations, and private sector industries. The Parties to ISTC are the United States, the European Union, Japan, Norway and South Korea (funding Parties), as well as Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan (recipient Parties).

A clean world requires us to switch to renewable energy and durable production methods. This is why an increasing number of people opt for green energy sources and environmentally friendly products. We want a society without pollution, climate crisis and unfair distribution of resources. Hence, global move for sustainable energy is required and digital innovations are to be implemented based on synergy of energy effectiveness and widening of renewable energy resources usage.

2014 ISTC Seoul workshop was designed to be a venue for energy field leaders and experts to exchange technological information and to build their global networking. It is the 32d time ISTC workshop was hosted in Korea, where demand for energy is increasing at a past face thanks to continued economic development.

“About 100 multinational energy-related firms from Korea and Russia joined the 32d ISTC workshop in Korea,’’ an organizing committee member said. “The international sustainable energy event helped participating companies, including Korean and Russian players, to discover new business opportunities.”

Key attendees included National Research Foundation of Korea, numerous energy-related state-run research institutions and private energy companies. Russian side was represented by the Saint Petersburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russian regional governments and some energy companies.

Sustainable Energy Policy Workshop -an economic and socio-political event aimed to assist policymakers, research and business community to find practical solutions for implementation of energy-saving technologies, environment-wise management of bio-resources, and alternative energy industry.

All interested parties were invited to join workshop and business tours to attend Sustainable Energy Policy workshop from October 20th till 24th which include plenary session participation with Russian scientists, B2B meetings with Korean or Russian counterparts as well as visit to a leading SK state-run Korea Institute of Energy Research in Daejon and enjoy cultural program.

Source: EurasTech Corp. press-release