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Ilona Lee
Ilona Lee поделилась ссылкой - редактирование статуса
Большое интервью Бояна на английском.
Печально конечно :(. Особенно с билетами и визой. И давлением.
Ну как я и говорила-он теперь тренируется отдельно от команды Китая.
Очень все странно, конечно. Что с ним в Канаде сделали во время стажировки? И кто?
Q. The rumor was going around in the off season that you were going to train with Brian Orser, and since it turned out its way, you have received lots of criticism. Does it affect you a lot? Are you still reading news about yourself on the Internet?

A. It does impact me. I used to read news about myself, but no more now. The pressure is overwhelming during practice and competitions. I feel I can't even breathe normally. Even during the practice, I become restless and just want to be armed to teeth. I want to skate well so badly. However, the more I think this way, the more pressure I feel. I just want to have a new start after this competition.
#Цзинь Боян