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Amrei: комментарии

Дата регистрации 21 марта 2015
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I found a videoclip in the net. maybe there is Shsheglova? Klick on Sujet number 4. at 7:49
in the descirption is written 8. Город Прага.
Чемпионат мира по фигурному катанию на коньках.
Разминка фигуристов.
Вступают фигуристы из ГДР, ЧССР, США. Выступает Е. Щеглова. Here is the link:

Here is a nice picture of Elena Shsheglova


Dear Larissa!
I would think the first pic is Eva Pawlik. Are you sure it is Hilde? I have pictures of Eva Pawlik in exactly this dress. Regards


Thanks again! Hilde must have been a great skater. I hope I’m allowed to add a link from a austrian newspaper archive. Hope ist works
"Wiener Bilder" cover, dated december 13th, 1931

Thank you! There are not very much pictures of Liana in the net. Thanks a lot! Here is a pic of the podium 1974, when she won bronze. Hope the link works.

Thanks again for this nice posting. I shared it on facebook and hope many people will read it. And I can practice my russian, which is nearly forgotten since schooltime. Thanks!

This really made me happy! Some pictures I’ve never seen before. Thanks!!!

Thanks for all your work! I check every day whether thereis something new. (I’m waiting for Christine Errath, but I love all your postings).
On Jana Mrazkova there are also videos in the net. One you would find on youtube under description "sourozenci Romanovi 1962". The other one is in finland at 4:28 here: http://vastaanotin.tv.funet.fi/cgi-bin/tv?mrl=rtmp%3A%2F%2Fsalama.tv.funet.fi%3A21055%2Fvod%2Ffi%2Fkava%2Ffinlandia%2FFINLANDIA-katsaus_506.mp4