Саманта Стосур: «Начала носить темные очки на корте, когда мне было лет 14 – думала, что буду выглядеть круто и необычно»

Чемпионка US Open-2011 австралийка Саманта Стосур рассказала о том, почему играет в солнцезащитных очках.

«Я начала их носить, когда мне было лет 14, потому что думала, что буду выглядеть круто и необычно. (Смех). Честно, это была причина, по которой я захотела их носить. А с возрастом это стало просто привычкой, сейчас я уже не могу без них играть.

Они помогают играть на солнце. Линзы у меня не очень темные, так что, когда я подаю против солнца, я все равно немного щурюсь. Но они блокируют блики от корта и всякое такое. Я пыталась играть без очков – у меня уже не получается», – приводит слова теннисистки официальный сайт US Open.

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In the AO Locker Room:  A woman opens the door and walks straight into a pillar, knocking herself out.  Amelie: Why don't you take those darn sunglasses off sometime, Samantha? We've only got a forty watt lightbulb in here. 
Samantha S: I need them, to look cool and intimidating.Lindsay: I don't need sunglasses to intimidate my opponents. I just scowl at them. then they usually fall to pieces. Samantha: But we haven't all got your equipment.  Lindsay: What equipment?  Kim: Let's change the subject. I see that the poison dwarf is back!  Justine: I am not ze dwarf! I'm nearly five feet six! If I stand on a small stool, I can punch any of your lights out!  Kim: I didn't mean you. I meant the No 1 Swiss crackpot, Martina.  Patty: I object. She's only the Number 2 Swiss crackpot.  Venus: Of course. Your position is unchallenged.  Amelie: So what are we going to do? This is so annoying! Everybody seems to be coming back to top form. Well, everybody except... er... Serena (breaks silence) Yes? Everybody is coming back to form except... who?  Amelie: Er... Er... Ummm... Jelena Dokic! (Aside) Phew. That was close!  Martina H enters: Hi. Everyone. Now don't all crowd me. I know you're all glad to see me back. After all, without me, tennis has just been so boring! The WTA kept begging and begging me, but I came back anyway. I'm not saying that you all have no personalities, but only a few of us have got IT - know what I mean? Elena D: B.O.?

Martina: Ha Ha Ha. Nice joke. Nearly as good as that one about you becoming No 1! (slaps her on back) What you need to do, girl, is chuck out all those cactii you collect, and get yourself some men like I do!  Elena: But my house isn't big enough for that many...  Lindsay: I have a man.  Justine: Yes. But he nearly escaped the other day when you left the steel cage unlocked.  Maria enters: Hi everyone! Good to see the supporting players again. But who is this small person with the big teeth? Have you lost your way from Juniors?  Martina: No. I am the former world champion. I have returned to continue my glorious career. I am looking forward to beating everyone here - especially you.  Maria: That isn't you again, Sesil, under all that make-up? Don't be cheeky or there may be another lesson for you. Now go and wipe it off, then bring me a strawberry sundae.  Martina: Can't you see who I am - you lanky-legged giraffe! It's Martina - Surely someone remembers me?  Nicole: Yes. I remember you. I used to watch you as a baby. Your films always used to terrify me. that funny way you walked toward your victims...  Martina: Films - what films?  Everyone s******s
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