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Мельдоний: Состояние случаев нарушения 26.04.2016

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Федерации уже не знают что делать - принимают странные решения. IWF решила не отстранять временно 3 тяжелоатлетов, однако не решила снять с них обвинение в нарушение анти допинговых правил.

The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) has decided not to provisionally suspend three weightlifters after they tested positive for meldonium, however it has yet to clear the athletes of committing an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV). The IWF announced that Armenian Hripsime Khurshudyan, who took a bronze medal in the +75kg category at the London 2012 Olympics, had tested positive; as had Russian 2013 European Junior Champion Lyaysan Makhiyanova and Pole Krzysztof Szramiak, who competed in the 77kg category at the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

