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Q. After the match, there was long minutes with the towel over your head. I'd like to know what your feelings, your thoughts at that moment. Were you also crying?

SIMONA HALEP: Yes. I was crying at that moment for a few minutes, and then I was smiling because I said that it was my first Grand Slam final, and I have to be happy, to smile, because I did everything on court. 

I played very good tennis, very good level. So I'm really proud about these two weeks. They were incredible weeks here and incredible tournament. I'm really happy, and it was an amazing feeling on court today.

Q. Congratulations on a fantastic tournament. Can you tell us a little bit about, you know, how different it is for a player walking into their first Grand Slam final, and how does a player manage these emotions?

SIMONA HALEP: Yeah, it was really tough before the match to manage the emotions. It was a big match for me. The first final of Grand Slam. 


Yeah, I tried just to stay relaxed, to say that it's a normal final, like a small tournament. It was a good start for me. I played really well today. I'm really happy about this.

I think I was okay on court. I did everything I could. It's really tough to play a first final in your career, but it's also amazing to be there.

So it was a nice feeling before.

Q. Technically speaking, what do you think the difference was in the match? What did she do better than you maybe thought she would? What did you do either worse or better?

SIMONA HALEP: I think I had good tactics today. I opened the angles. Also, I was hitting the ball strong.

But, yeah, she did what she's doing always, like to hit the balls very strong. The serve was really she had a good kick, and it was difficult for me to return. 

Yeah, she was moving really well. I think it was a good, very good match today, a good final. I didn't expect three sets, three hours, but it happened, and I'm really happy that I could stay very long time on court. 

The atmosphere was incredible. Of course, forever I will not forget this match.

Q. It did look a little hopeless in the tiebreaker for you. Can you just talk about where your mind was when you were down so far in the tiebreaker. 

SIMONA HALEP: At 5 4, I had a feeling that I can win the set. Was really tough at that moment, because the tiebreak, it's almost luck thing, yeah, at the points.

But I had the feeling that I can believe in my chance to win the second set and to try to win the match in third set. I did very well. I tried everything at that moment and it worked for me.

So I'm really happy the way how I played.





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