Штутгарт: Вопросы и ответы

Выставил вопросы болельщиков и ответы Марии в онлайн "чате"

Phyllis Huang: Favorite Jack Nicolson movie besides Something\'s Gotta Give???

23.04.2013 18:27

Maria Sharapova: wedding crashes


Marina Fidelin: Can you say something for your SharaFamily ?

23.04.2013 18:25

Maria Sharapova: thank you for the luvvvv

Tilu Osorio Muñoz: Hi Maria, there is a rumor that you\'ll be in Argentina this December, is it true?

23.04.2013 18:28

Maria Sharapova: i have to ask max

Cecilia Giovanniello: Which is your favourite icecream flavour?

23.04.2013 18:24

Maria Sharapova: mint/choc chip

Icela Quintero Diaz: chelsea handler says you have vodka in your blood, and I think so does she! hello from Panama

23.04.2013 18:21

Maria Sharapova: thats a pretty accurate assumption

23.04.2013 18:18

Dmitry Mukhin: Hey, Masha! What is your favorite music clip?

23.04.2013 18:23

Maria Sharapova: anything florence and the machine

Dan Peng: hey Maria,,,,,how are you........are you going to make more dessert?


23.04.2013 18:23

Maria Sharapova: yes in my next life when i become a cook

David Lankester: Hi. Have you ever been sailing before?

23.04.2013 18:17

Maria Sharapova: yes funny enough with richard branson


???: what are you drinking right now?

23.04.2013 18:17

Maria Sharapova: are you asking if that is vodka in my glass?

Joancy Paola Gomez Silva: what\'s your favorite architectural building in the world, or the one that inspires you the most? from venezuela

23.04.2013 18:19

Maria Sharapova: i love frank gehry, he is incredible

Bruno Moreira: are you dating Grigor Dimitrov?

23.04.2013 18:19

Maria Sharapova: funny you ask

Philip Uchiha A. Ruiz: My question would be is, if Rafael Nadal asked you on a date would you accept it or not? thanks!

23.04.2013 18:13

Maria Sharapova: not my type


Yashaswi Jadeja: hiiiii

23.04.2013 18:12

Maria Sharapova: this was suppose to be your chance

Sava Novakovic: Maria,when will new Sugarpova flavours be available on site. I tried first 12 the\'re Sugarpovalicious!!!!!!

23.04.2013 18:13

Maria Sharapova: end of this month or first week of next


Maria Liu: And thank you again for RT me on twitter! I\'m so grateful for that! My second question is What\'s the most precious thing in your bedroom?

23.04.2013 18:02

Maria Sharapova: my ed moses painting...or when dolce is in the room, its him, although it doesnt happen often

Cassandra de Prazer: Hi Maria! What is one thing that you have wanted to sign on the camera at the end of the match but didn\'t or couldn\'t?

23.04.2013 18:03

Maria Sharapova: many things...yet to be written

Ian Mark D. Bobadilla: Hi Maria, who is your favorite cartoon character?

23.04.2013 18:04

Maria Sharapova: tom and jerry

Domi Nique: Hi Maria, how do you use your Porsche which you win last year here in Stuttgart? Can you enjoy it or is it just a car like the others? Can you tell us about your expierence? I will hopefully watch you live on Saturday. Tickets just arrived, so please win the next games


23.04.2013 18:04

Maria Sharapova: i enjoy it by driving it all the time


Aina Rakotomalala: How was your birthday ?

23.04.2013 18:04

Maria Sharapova: out of control

Keti Paikidze: Hey Masha )) what\'s your favorite style and color to wear ? and gook luck in Stuttgart

23.04.2013 18:05

Maria Sharapova: on court...black

ClaRiiza RojazLn: Mexican music you like? as mariachi?

23.04.2013 18:06

Maria Sharapova: mariachi is the only one i know and i do like it after...well a few sangrias, oh wait thats spanish

Svetlio Vasilev: Jimmy Choo, Manolo Blahnik or Christian Louboutin?

23.04.2013 18:07

Maria Sharapova: that question is not fair!!

Hiroyuki Uematsu: What kind of favorite male do you love ? without Dolche

23.04.2013 18:08

Maria Sharapova: silly question, you know the answer


Caspion Sharod: What was the craziest thing a fan has ever done for you ?

23.04.2013 18:08

Maria Sharapova: got a tattoo with my signature

Hannah Slough: What is your favourite country (besides russia and america!)?

23.04.2013 18:09

Maria Sharapova: absolutely

Popcek Hamdan: will u be coming to malaysia???

23.04.2013 18:09

Maria Sharapova: vacation baby!!

Giulliana Marin: Please launch Sugarpova in Colombia next December, I would consider it my birthday present from you haha. I\'m going to that country to see your exhibition match! love you so much Maria!

23.04.2013 18:10

Maria Sharapova: i might just surprise you

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