Сидней: Пресс-конференция Ли На 07.01.2013

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January 7, 2013

Na Li


N. LI/C. McHale 7‑6, 7‑5

THE MODERATOR:  Questions, please.

Q.  Difficult match.  She's very consistent and she runs very well and has good defense, no?

NA LI:  Yes.

Q.  Talk about how she played and how you felt she played.

NA LI:  I was play her last time I was in French and also was very tough match.  But I think today, how do you say, it's challenging for the both player on the court.  It's heat, you know, so both was play already two hours on the court; still fighting in the end.But I was happy finally I can win the last point.  (Smiling.)

Q.  You only arrived yesterday?

NA LI:  Yeah.

Q.  So has it been difficult to get ready for this match today?

NA LI:  Yes, very tough because in China it was like five, six degree, but here it's over 30.  And the jet lag, time change, I was feeling today very tough.  It's very tough for this year, you know.Just finished match I was talk to my team.  I say, I was feeling my legs like 200 kilos.  I couldn't move.  Also yesterday the coach say, More important match is today, because today is really not for technique, it's challenging for your mind to show how strong you are on the court.


Q.  So you must be happy to get through it and meet that challenge.

NA LI:  Yes, at least I'm still in the tournament.

Q.  Yes.

NA LI:  Yeah, I don't need to fly tomorrow to Melbourne, so I can still stay in Sydney to continue to fight.

Q.  When you won in Sydney it started you on a fantastic year in 2011.

NA LI:  Yeah.

Q.  Do you feel like this is a place where you can get momentum for the rest of the year?

NA LI:  I think it's very good, how you say, experience, very good remember for this tournament.  So that's why I was trying to come back every year, to try to do the same.So, yeah, that's why I was here again.

Q.  You got to spend a lot of the time with Carlos during the off‑season.  Can you talk about a few things that you really worked on with him going into the season?

NA LI:  Like I was two weeks in Germany, three weeks with him in Beijing, so I mean, he was change a lot technique, like serve, like forehand.Also I would like to say he give me a lot of tough time when I was training with him.  First three days my husband didn't come with me.  After three days I was calling him, I say, Please come with me.  I was thinking already for retire after three days, because he's really, really tough.For our team, the goal is maybe we can do much, much better this year than last year.  So yeah, his training is hard.  I think it's not bad.  I had very good beginning of the year.

Q.  So you have enough trust or confidence in Carlos to change big shots?


NA LI:  I mean, if I didn't trust him I would never sign the contract with him to continue.  So that's why.And, also, you know, before we training he was tell me, If you want the, how you say, one more step or want to be even more better, you have to change something.I was agree, because if I didn't change maybe I still can stay like top 10, 20, but I couldn't go up, you know.  So I was happy I can change in the mind.You know, beginning it was tough, because how you do you say, something still with me like 10 years, 20 years already.  It's very tough to change.  But I was happy I could trust him to change something in practice.

Q.  What is it you want to achieve by making the these changes?  What are the goals?

NA LI:  For this year?

Q.  For this year.

NA LI:  I really want to can be like top 3 or win another Grand Slam.  Of course this is the goal for the wish, so whole team was working so hard to try to be the goal.

Q.  And of the changes you have made, are they solid now?  Are they stable?  Are you comfortable with them?  Are you still working on them?

NA LI:  I was comfortable, but still not like 100%.  So still have to working.

Q.  Still have to think about them in your head?

NA LI:  Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Q.  So potentially four weeks of tennis in a row.  You played a lot last week and you may play a lot this week, and then you're going into a Grand Slam.  So physically you're confidence that health‑wise you will be able to play as long s you need to?

NA LI:  Yeah, I think I'm strong enough for four weeks, no problem.  After Melbourne I will take two weeks to start training again to prepare for after the season.

Q.  But none of the top 3 ‑ Maria is not doing it; Serena is not doing it; Victoria is not doing it.  They all took this week off.  You like to hit more balls?


NA LI:  No, because it was different condition.  I was play in China, so I have to used to the heat.  I couldn't come straightaway to Melbourne.  I need some matches in the heat conditions, otherwise I don't know what I can do in Melbourne.Yeah.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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