Lamborghini Super Trofeo to be held in Korea on July 19-21

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Lamborghini Super Trofeo will be represented on the world stage like never before in 2024, with four rounds featuring on the support bill of the FIA World Endurance Championship (WEC) following the announcement of the regional calendars.

Having made a successful return to action in 2023 following a three-year hiatus, Lamborghini Super Trofeo Asia will again cement its position as one of the most varied one-make Lamborghini championships by hosting 10 races in five different countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The season begins at the Sepang International Circuit in Malaysia on the opening weekend of May before returning to Australia for round two, which will be held at The Bend circuit near Adelaide. Korea again takes its place on the calendar, with the Inje circuit in the north of the country hosting a pair of 50-minute races on the weekend of 19th July.

The Italian car Lamborghini was found to have sold more in Korea in 2023 than in its hometown of Italy.

Last year, Lamborghini sold 434 vehicles in Korea. South Korea has grown 8% year-on-year to become the world's seventh largest market. Sales in the Korean Peninsula are higher than the sales (409 units) achieved in Italy, the home of Lamborghini.

2024 Lamborghini Super Trofeo Asia 

Round 1: Sepang (Malaysia) 3-5 May 2024

Round 2: The Bend Motorsport Park (Australia) 7-9 June 2024

Round 3: Inje (Korea) 19-21 July 2024

Round 4: Fuji (Japan) 16-18 August 2024

Round 5: Shanghai (China) September

Round 6: TBA


Серия Lamborghini Super Trofeo во второй раз после возвращения пройдет в Корее 19-21 июля

Сезон-2024 в Азии начинается на международной трассе Сепанг в Малайзии в первые выходные мая, а затем возвращается в Австралию на второй этап, который пройдет на трассе Бенд недалеко от Аделаиды.

Корея снова занимает свое место в календаре: в выходные 19 июля на трассе Индже на севере страны пройдет пара 50-минутных гонок.

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