MotoGP без Валентино Росси: 'Он тащил эпоху; он фанатик' - Данило Петруччи

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The 2022 season will be the first in this millennium that Valentino Rossi will not be on the roster. The nine-time world champion will continue to have a presence in the paddock, just as the VR46 brand will compete on the tracks a year from now, where the #46 will race GT3.

In an interview with People on Wheels magazine quoted by Motosan, Danilo Petrucci talked about how this is the first year without Rossi on the grid.

— I don't know, but he, of course, dragged through the era. In any case it will be good, it's great for me that I raced with him in MotoGP for ten years and I fought in so many fights. I fought for first place, but also for 16th place, for a place that does not give any points. We had a painful battle in Misano, just for the sake of piloting,” he said.

The driver, who won this year's Dakar, also noted that the attitude of his compatriot demonstrates Rossi's passion for the two-wheeled world:

- I can only say that Valentino is a great motorsport enthusiast. You go to his house and he watches CEV. He's a fanatic and that made a big difference. For this, you can only love motorcycles.

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