«Марк Маркес является эталоном в последнее десятилетие; удовольствие от борьбы с ним другое» - Фабио Квартараро

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Fabio Quartararo won the league title last year against Francesco Bagna, who showed great consistency in the second half of the championship. With the season just over a week old, Quartararo said he was looking forward to fighting Marc Marquez specifically.

The Frenchman argued that the exchange of disputes on the track with the eight-time world champion is different from what happens with any other driver, and therefore the feeling of winning or losing is also different.

“The fun of fighting Mark is different from other riders. When you fight him, you don't see just one rider, you see a guy who was already a six-time MotoGP champion and to be honest, beating him is something else. Mark has been a benchmark for the last ten years, so fighting him is something special. When I lost to him in Misano and Thailand, that's when I learned the most. I look forward to fighting him again this year,” he told DAZN.

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