Уилко Зеленберг и Yamaha RNF осторожно к 2022 году

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With the U Yamaha RNF, MotoGP has had to readjust for the new season of the MotoGP World Championship after the departure of the former main sponsor, some of its members and even riders - rookie Darrin Binder and experienced Andrea Dovizioso, who has just reached the final stage of 2021.

Director Wilko Zeelenberg assured, quoted by the website Motosan.es, that the goal of the project is still to provide young people with a good platform to debut and follow in the footsteps of Fabio Quartararo or Franco Morbidelli. However, he warned that caution and moderation is needed with the targets for this year due to the renewal of the existing structure:

“Our goal is to make very good bikes available to young riders so they can work alongside factory riders. This happened in 2019 and 2020 and we are very proud of it. So our goal is to do that, but the level of MotoGP is so high at the moment that to believe that we can resume this type of performance by starting from scratch as a structure is simply unrealistic. Fabio Quartararo won the title last year and we are very proud of it.

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