Кевин Дюрэнт: «Пресса немного мотивировала меня»

Форвард «Оклахома-Сити» Кевин Дюрэнт признался, что критические публикации в СМИ немного помогли ему настроиться на решающий матч серии с «Мемфисом» (120:109).

«Наконец-то я смог сегодня освободиться от самого себя. В последнее время слишком много думал, переживал по поводу того, что пресса обо мне пишет. Но сегодня просто расслабился и показал свою игру. Пресса немного мотивировала меня, хотя я и говорил, что это не так», – приводит слова Дюрэнта NBA.com.

Источник: www.nba.com
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“I got out of my own way,” he said. “I was thinking too much, I was worried about what you guys were saying, I was worried about how many shots I was going to shoot throughout the game. I was thinking too much. The game of basketball is played on instincts. And I realized I started playing this game to have fun and I didn’t want to take the pure fun out of the game. I was thinking too much so I just released everything and enjoyed and I knew if played as hard as I could and did the work for my team the results were going to show. I just forgot everything and played my game.” вот так это было в оригинале
Спасибо, совсем другое дело. И совсем другой смысл высказывания. Новостники из ПТУ, как всегда на высоте.
Ответ на комментарий Kars
“I got out of my own way,” he said. “I was thinking too much, I was worried about what you guys were saying, I was worried about how many shots I was going to shoot throughout the game. I was thinking too much. The game of basketball is played on instincts. And I realized I started playing this game to have fun and I didn’t want to take the pure fun out of the game. I was thinking too much so I just released everything and enjoyed and I knew if played as hard as I could and did the work for my team the results were going to show. I just forgot everything and played my game.” вот так это было в оригинале
Теперь Oklahoman будет периодически мотивировать КД своими критическими статьями)))

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